Configuring Apache HTTPD server on Docker

3 min readNov 18, 2020


Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly.

Docker provides completely isolated & secure environment per containers(Operating System).It is real quick that it launches complete OS with full boot, and launch other applications in it in less than a second.

So we will configure OS with HTTPD server running in one of the container on top of Docker.

Install Docker

Install RHEL8


Now we are good to go!

➤So let us launch a container(Centos OS) inside Docker with the name myos & expose it to the public world so it can be accessed by the clients .

docker run -it -p 81:80 --name myos centos:latest

Open a new tab & use this command to check containers running on Docker:

docker ps

➤We have launched our container successfully using the centos image(or iso-just like we install windows or Linux )named myos & exposed it to the port-81.

➣Observe that as soon as we launch/run our container then then localhost changes to the container id.

➤Now we will install Apache HTTP Server inside our container using YUM.

yum install httpd -y

➤As we want to create our html webpage so we necessarily have to create it inside the /var/www/html directory.

cd /var/www/html

vi profile.html -name of html page.html

  • Press i to insert/write the html code in the editor


☝️ Press :wq in the editor to save the code.

❓To know the ip in the redhat VM : Run ⮕ ifconfig enp0s3.

➤Now go to any browser and use the ip of the VM in which the docker is running:

Format: hostip:portno/htmlpage name

“Now our HTTPD server is running safely on Docker in secure OS, which can be launched anytime we want within a second”

Hope it was helpful, in case of any doubts reach me out:



Thank You 😃 ✋



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