How Adobe is benefitted from AWS?

5 min readNov 11, 2020


‘’∞ data will be generated which will be really difficult to handle in the coming years’’.

Anything that we see is a Data. Best thing gifted to human beings is our Brain. We see, listen lot of things every minute and those things just store in our brain. Three areas of brain which are involved in explicit memory are : Amygdala, Neo-cortex and Hippocampus.

So humans don’t have to attach any extra storage devices like -Hard disk, PenDrive, etc. Only thing that humans have is their brain.

But in the case of Artificial device like -Computers which are just a box designed by humans. To store data in computers, they need some storage devices externally.

In case of companies ,To store more data in the servers, more storage devices will be required and keep on scaling which will consequently increase company’s cost in just buying these resources and then to keep them alive all the time will need more employees in different domains like- to manage networking, security, storage , wiring, internet, in addition, more electricity to keep the resources live every minute.

We can conclude from above that main sector where a company has to spend is the storage part. Rest all depends on the code which is build by the developer that how much optimized the code is.

To put aside all these unnecessary expenses of buying more storage resources, Cloud services have been evolved by companies like -AWS ,Alibaba, Google, IBM, etc.

Amazon Web Services(AWS) is leading in the race of providing cloud infrastructure or storage to the users. There are 2 types of cloud service providers -Public & Private . Both have its own advantages.

In public users just need to go the website of the public cloud providers like -AWS, Google which provide Pay-as-we-go services, so user just pays for the amount of time we use their services .Disadvantage of public providers is we users can’t see what is actually happening inside the services, whereas, in case of Private providers like -OpenStack, Dell ,VMware ,etc. users can see the internal things and configure the setup acc. to their needs.

Although services from public providers are easy-to-use, as AWS is ruling the market in providing excellent services to the users in terms of reliability, which is the thing that every user expect from a company. There are typical Datacenters of big companies like AWS. Many top companies like — Adobe, Netflix, LinkedIn , Twitter, NASA, BMW, Slack, JioSaavan are using services provided by AWS.

AWS now spans 77 Availability Zones within 24 geographic regions around the world, and has announced plans for 15 more Availability Zones and 5 more AWS Regions in India, Indonesia, Japan, Spain, and Switzerland.

Datacenters are very giant:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 175 fully featured services from data centers globally. Some services are:

Let us look at how Adobe, American multinational computer software company has been benefitted from the services provided by AWS.

Adobe Creative Cloud gives you all the best creative apps and services, so you can stay more connected and creative wherever you’re inspired.

Problem faced by Adobe: Adobe Business Catalyst’s, hosted marketing solution and unified platform that allows web designers to create powerful business websites and online stores in minimal time and without back-end coding hardware required updates that were too costly and time-consuming.

Goal was to : focus on deploying and operating their own software instead of costly infrastructure.

Solution: We migrated their three datacenters to AWS within their aggressive timeframe and manage the environment, allowing them to better support their customer base.

>>As the company behind Creative Cloud, a suite of creative tools and services that runs in the cloud, Adobe was very familiar with cloud operations and environments. While Adobe employs many qualified IT associates with deep experience, the environments offered by most of the cloud vendors 2nd Watch evaluated required additional technical staff with the operational experience to complete the migration successfully within the given timeframe. Following the comprehensive search for an accomplished cloud vendor, 2nd Watch recommended AWS for its ease of integration and cost effectiveness.

The migration of Business Catalyst’s three datacenters to the AWS cloud, eliminating the costs associated with managing Adobe’s on-premise infrastructure, created cloud replicas of Business Catalyst’s physical datacenters in each region, allowing Adobe to seamlessly test each new cloud datacenter while the existing datacenters continued to service customers, migrated all user data and service endpoints to the AWS environment.

The Business Catalyst environment now utilizes AWS EC2, VPC, Elasticache, S3 and SES, and the migration was completed by the planned deadline, allowing Adobe to focus on deploying and operating its own software instead of costly infrastructure.

Cost and performance, Managing workload spikes, Workforce productivity, Optimization of IT spend are achieved from AWS.

I hope now you can understand how different big companies are dependent on services provided by AWS.

Thank you !!

Written by: Sandesh Jain




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